(For some reason this thing is eating all the blank lines, making this whole post look retarded D: if preferred refer to the original thread here, where it's correctly separated)
¡Que pedo! Xionico here.
As I was working on XM3 last week, I noticed that the animation has quite some dialogues in it (Don't worry, they aren't that much as I don't want to bore you ;D) and it sounded like a good idea to voice it. I can either give you the link to the VA thread I made about it or copy-pasta it here...mmh..Hell I'll do both ;D
Voice Acting Club Thread-link-thingy
Pasta begins:
Greetings! Xionic from Newgrounds here.
As the title says, I'm in need of 5 Male Voice actors for the 3rd installment of the Xionic Madness saga. Although, there's a catch: Since the deadline is close enough (September 22th) I may not be able to finish it all the way I want it to and some factors might have to be stripped off (in the worst case scenario, the voices), but judging by the rhythm I'm working on it, I seriously doubt that will actually happen (as it's past 5 a.m. here and I'm working on this so it can have voiced lines @_@).
Here are some links for the previous installments of the Xionic Madness saga.
Xionic Madness (Trailer)
Xionic Madness
Xionic Madness 1.5
Xionic Madness 2
Xionic Madness 3 (Trailer)
Now, moving on to the actual business. There are 2 major roles and 3 Minor roles (since some of the goons will be talking a bit, although if one experienced VA who can make several different voices want to do it, it's more than well received). The only female role is already occupied by Hnilmik, that's why I didn't list her in the thread.
On a side note: Those voicing for Omega and Xero (the major roles), it would be appreciated if you could apply a "cybernetic" filter on their voices, as half of the lines will be said under their helmets, if it can't be done, then I'll find a tutorial to alter it by myself later (If you actually apply to the filter to them, it would be appreciated if you sent me both versions).
Deadline: September 8th (may be extended if needed)
Send your auditions to khardagon@hotmail.com
Character: Omega (Available)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Personality: Calm, mature, deep voice.
Short Bio: A former black ops soldier, was reported KIA as result of friendly fire, but in truth he became a subject for the Proto-Soldier Omega project. Despite being a natural killer, he's mostly calm and serene, rarely loses his head despite how grim the situation may be, a natural leader.
Number of lines: 25 Approx.
Sample lines:
Omega: Omega's final log.
Omega: Every single one of them have a meeting with the reaper, and they won't miss it. No exceptions...End of log.
Omega: Heaven or Hell.
Character: Xero (Available)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Satiric, aggressive, British if possible. <---got curious about that accent
Short Bio: An enemy assassin captured and transformed into the Proto-Soldier Xero. Generally aggressive and satiric towards anyone or anything that crosses paths with him, including his teammate Omega.
Number of lines: 22 Approx.
Warning: This character curses, a lot.
Sample lines:
Xero: Peeeerfect...Just when heavy enemy reinforcement is arriving.
Xero: Make peace with your God now...Because I'm coming for your fucking necks!
Xero: Let's Rock!
Character: Overseer (Available)
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Personality: Calm, mature, typical.
Short Bio: N/A
Number of lines: 2
Sample lines:
Overseer: Both targets, Omega and Xero seem to have successfully stole cervical armor and have proved to be too lethal for regular infantry, over.
Overseer: That's a big negative! We will crush them with the new prototypes!
Character: Generic soldier (Available)
Gender: Male
Age: 20+
Personality: Normal Adult voice.
Short Bio: N/A
Number of lines: 8
Sample lines:
Soldier(VA1): Target Omega has a Cervical armor!? What the hell!?
Soldier(VA1): Agh! No! Wait! Stop! Ugh! (As he's being punched to death)
Soldier(Va1): Keep firing! Don't let him get any closer!
Character: Generic soldier (To avoid having one VA talking to himself) (Available)
Gender: Male
Age: 20+
Personality: Normal Adult voice.
Short Bio: N/A
Number of lines: 5
Sample lines:
Soldier(VA2): No idea! The other one did as well, they must have stolen it from the base
Soldier(VA2): (Random screaming as his skull is being drilled for 4 seconds).
Soldier(Va2): Fuck it! That guy took out an artillery by himself! Run for it!
Send your auditions to khardagon@hotmail.com
Well, that's all for now. Seeya later >: D!