So yeah, XM4-2 part 2 is proving to be quite the challenge when it comes to exporting, as it generally shows the "not enough resources error message."
At first, I thought it was because I stupidly had installed windows 32 bits while having 4 gb's of ram, so no sweat, I changed it. But the problem persists!
My next logical step was to realize that maybe it was because flash cs3 is a 32 bits program, so I decided to download a trial for CS 5.5, that one should be 64 bits version, right? But then I realized that it was a 32 bits program too (?).
I can't seem to find a proper 64 bits version anywhere, and flash has been one hell of a moody program lately, as it sometimes works just fine and other times can't even open two files at the same time. (which is an issue because I have to "glue" all the files together).
Any tips or ideas? Thanks in advance!
Also, for this same issue, I have to ask, does anyone know if there will be a Madness Day preloader? becase I want to get this thing exported as soon as I can so I don't have to be all stressed at the last day.
if you send the FLA, I can try to export it for you. I have CS3.
If nothing works for when I finish the details and everything else (aka, in less than a week) I may try that D: but it will have to be in chunks, as I'm trying to "glue" the whole flash together. But flash keeps sending.
"Operating couldn't be completed due to an unknown error"
Fucking flash >:|...