Rawr o:!

Age 36, Male



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@777yeet xionico has been gone for a while now,so his fate remains unknown,so that's why I'm hoping someone would take up the mantle,look at songs of war,that series was cancelled for some reasons which really pains me,and Ragnarok destined path,that series,oh man,so many we have lost and sadly forgotten:(.
I bet you know how I feel,and I'm still hoping some youtuber or someone brings them back for us and takes up the mantle,and I still hope that xionic madness reboot happens even though the reddit post I talked about suddenly disappeared but still,you've got to believe man

And patreon would definitely help with it,and once again,you've got to believe.

@CreedenceStewart If you looked at the post, you would have noticed that a user called "777yeet" posted it. I basically got tired of hoping that someone would take up the mantle and decided to do it myself. There's a reason why I decided not to do it and it's in the old .swf files. So here's to hoping for another person who is qualified to continue it does continue it, and yeah, believe.
I even sent a message to Xionico via email and newgrounds mail. No reply. In fact, most of the people involved in xionic madness have gone silent. Hnilmik, Jethrotex, everybody's gone. Xionico seems to have abandoned his email as well (sion_20_bouncer@hotmail.com if you're wondering)
So yeah, xionic madness will probably eventually die. All series do, when all the fans forget and no new fans join. Still, it was actually xionic madness that brought me to the madness fandom, and it seems from our conversation that not all the old fans are gone.
Anyone who takes up the mantle has a huge pile of work ahead of them. Xionico's message was the last straw for me and I immediately canceled the draft, invitations and trailer.
Good Luck.

@CreedenceStewart Disappointed, are we?

@CreedenceStewart Wow. I had absolutely no idea that some people were actually hoping for the reboot to happen. The vote was actually pretty close and I got lots of negative comments.

@777yeet REALLY ??

@777yeet did that actually happen to you?

@CreedenceStewart well, the people telling me not to do it were more than the people telling me to do it in the comments.

And why has this post become a forum?

@777yeet I'm actually surprised

@CreedenceStewart aren't we all? You're surprised someone told me not to, and now I'm surprised someone told me to.

@Ozurka I think he may be dead.

@CreedenceStewart This forum-post actually kind of gives me inspiration to do it.

@777yeet does it really?

@777yeet I mean you've got to have the assets you need to do it

@CreedenceStewart I already have all the .swf files and a decompiler.


@777yeet were gonna need volunteers for voice acting

@CreedenceStewart You are gonna have to calm down a bit. I've had the .swf files for a long time, and just because I am ready it does not mean I will suddenly start screaming and messaging everybody on newgrounds.
Also, @CHAOS-75 is right. For something like this, playing it safe is best. And did I mention I canceled all invites for the planned collab? And that Hnilmik is gone (maybe) and even Xionico hasn't been able to keep in touch with Omega's voice actor?
Yeah, as I said, even for a collab, a lot of work.

@777yeet @CHAOS-75 if there is someone that is willing to assist

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