What will happen after the Xionic Madness series end? Will we get to see some missions omega and his squad were on before the events of the first episode? Or maybe a background story for every character?
Anyways, can't wait for XM 4-3 to come.
Rawr o:!
Age 36, Male
México mwahaha D:<
Joined on 8/17/04
What will happen after the Xionic Madness series end? Will we get to see some missions omega and his squad were on before the events of the first episode? Or maybe a background story for every character?
Anyways, can't wait for XM 4-3 to come.
Curses! Foiled again! My plan to not rage has failed!!
But srsly, give us small little updates every now and then.
dude, what was kary like when she first joined bolverk squad?
Post: 1 month ago
Me: patient, yet anxious
Take your time :)
By the way, am I the only person who wants to know Xionic Characters' respective true names?
I do not mind waiting, but please, post signs saying how much time to launch the video
plese get finished soon we have been waiting for so long
Revolucionaste las series de Madness. Para mÃ-, Xionic Madness es un gran avance con respecto a las creaciones de Krinkels. Tienes todo mi apoyo moral para llevar este proyecto a buen puerto.
Mis felicitaciones por el éxito conseguido.
Saludos desde Argentina.
i used to ceck if part 3 will be up like every 2 hrs then 5 hrs then 1 day then 5 days then a week then a month. Can you get finished soon before i check a year from now
i think it would be appropriate if he released it on madness day
please give us more news.
will kary die or not?
Xionico, you've really outdone yourself by having the fans wait for an excessive amount of time. The least you could have done was a minimal news update, but yet the fans have to wait more until this mustsee can be released into the portal. Please make a minimal update. By the way, release before madness day. The fans have waited so long.
man, xionico hasn't respond a single comment.
Xionico Is awsome :D
I don't mind waiting but I think people woud like it if you posted this before madness day. Make it near the time but just before.
Hrm... I think you was a bit optimistic when ya said a month. That was back in May, and now it is July 7th... more than a month, methinks.
well i dont like 2 complain but uhh i thought u were going 2 release it in a month or 2?
its gonna be almost like 2 months (6 days keft)
OR r u submitting it on Madness Day coz im so craving 2 watch the last part...
im not in a rush 2 finish ur series...
I'm still assuming it will be posted on the next Madness Day so I'm quite patient