Rawr o:!

Age 36, Male



México mwahaha D:<

Joined on 8/17/04

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if you send the FLA, I can try to export it for you. I have CS3.

If nothing works for when I finish the details and everything else (aka, in less than a week) I may try that D: but it will have to be in chunks, as I'm trying to "glue" the whole flash together. But flash keeps sending.

"Operating couldn't be completed due to an unknown error"

Fucking flash >:|...

WHAT THE HECK IS EVERYBODY SAYING?! You lost a (insert computer thingamabob here) an now you can't finish (insert title here) because you can't find a proper (insert computer thingamajig). Whatever man, all we're waiting to see is Part 2.

I have a MBP with CS5 and, like RicePirate, I'm more than willing to help export it for you. As much distaste as I have for CS5, I've yet to have any exporting issues with it. And I've got some BIGass files (Madness Heist is almost 18.5 MB when exported). I used to get that issue on my old PC, but not this bad boy. So yeah man, just let me (or RicePirate) know.

Also, I have been asking about that Madness Day preloader in every one of Tom's posts for the past month. I've gotten no response. Hopefully it'll get here soon.

Thanks D:! We'll know what happens when the time comes

Actually, you know what? I think I've encountered that error once before and was able to fix it. PM me and I'll walk you through it (if it is what I think it is).

While I have no basis for this, I think the preloader itself is the same as last year, however there will probably be a new splash screen but you dont usually use those. Safe bet would be put on the normal preloader and export and wait.

well I think it was the same one last year, so I suppose it makes sense O:! If nothing shows up soon, I'll use that one :D

dont worry where sure you will find a way to fix it i realy want to see the next part keep watching them over and over and is not enought yet im addicted until i see the end i guess great work ;P

Yeah, don't worry, this flash will come out one way or another o_<

esta muy wena la historia cuanto tiempo te toma hacer una parte :D

Porcierto aki esta tu programa :D
"<a href="http://adobe-flash.softonic.com/">http://adobe-flash.softonic.com/</a>" descargalo y calalo sino sirve avisame y te busco otro.

XD Tengo ese, pero el problema persiste, gracias de cualquier manera! Y depende de cuanto le trabaje, como 2 o 3 meses si soy productivo.

Buy a super computer!

D:! ok!

Wow, what the heck do you have in that thing that it runs out of memory? I've never ever heard of that before...

Nor have I D: My computer is probably possessed

well, with all the action and explosions that you add in your battles im not surprised the export gives you troubles XD

i think the cs5 comes with the MASTER COLLECTION, try downloading using bittorrent and install the trial version

xD that's probably the cause, but well, I like explosions D:

I have the CS5.5 trial and the problem persists, fff-!

I can export it for you too. =)

I have CS4 and 16 gig ram monster computer.


"(which is an issue because I have to "glue" all the files together)."
What I do is take what you want to glue, COPY IT, now EXIT that project file. Hit CTRL+N then CTRL+V BAM PASTE! Then open your main .FLA

then CTRL + X and CTRL + V! BAM!

D: that computer sounds beautiful. Thanks for the offer!

I'll try to pull this out on my own and not be a bother for anyone.

Let's see how that turns out in a week... xD

Flash has very limited memory when it comes to exporting. Kept happening to me with my last project. What fixed the issue for me was splitting things up into as many scenes as I possibly could.

There's also a way of optimizing Flash's memory so that you can focus more on exporting than other little features. This is all under the assumption that we're having the same problem, though. 32 bits and 64 bits is Japanese to me, so tell me if you've already tried this.

O:! So that's the issue...Well, I guess I can try the scenes thing. (Although I've never been comfortable working with them o:)

Well, unless it's the task manager's option to change the program's priority, I haven't tried it D:

Hey, you could also try this.

EXIT FLASH. Then go back in the project file and don't DO ANYTHING. Export it asap.

I've had scenarios where it wouldn't export properly. It exports a ghost .swf. Real buggy. So what I do is completely exit and go back in for the export and mission complete.

Sounds like a plan! but, I enter and exit flash 50 times per day xD

well if its a memory problem why dont you get a bigger ram cuz remmber they do make those you just have to find the one thats compatable to your computer..its just a thought..(your flash kicks ass...and i mean godly ass dude)

mierd... espero que lo soluciones pronto (lo siento no tengo ninguna idea trabaje con el 30 trial days de macromedia 8 -.-)

I dont care how long it takes as long as i know that someday their will be a xionic madness 4 part 2

y por k no simplemente vas a un chat donde alla computadoras de 32 bits y desde alli lo subes :D

Yeah that priority thing you mention is what I was getting at I think. But scenes made everything so much easier for exporting in my experience.

Also, I'm imagine they're releasing the preloaded within the three days preceding Madness Day, as they have previous years.

The new preloader is up right over here:


But to be honest, this year's preloader looks pretty disappointing.

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